- 最も感染{かんせん}を引き起こしていそうな細菌{さいきん}に対処{たいしょ}するために一つまたはそれ以上{いじょう}の抗生物質{こうせい ぶっしつ}を使う[使用{しよう}する?用いる]
use one or more antibiotics to cover the most likely bacteria that might be causing the infection 意味
- "use older versions of the netscape browser" 意味
- "use olive oil lavishly" 意味
- "use one label to encompass things as varied as" 意味
- "use one less club" 意味
- "use one more club" 意味
- "use one pretext or another" 意味
- "use one side of the page only" 意味
- "use one's attractiveness to get what one wants" 意味
- "use one's bean" 意味
- "use one less club" 意味
- "use one more club" 意味
- "use one pretext or another" 意味
- "use one side of the page only" 意味